Brianna LePage,                                                                    2009

Music Therapist Specializing in Dementia, Alzheimer's and hospice.  Music Therapy is music as medicine.  Through music I am able to help those in need, using  an alternative source of treatment, Music.  Of course people who are ill still need to get general treatment but, music therapy in conjuction with general medicine can help in many ways.  Some of the goals a music therapist works with are, Cognition, Fine and Gross motor skills, Creativity, Emotions, and to Increase Quality of life.  One must be qualified through a school which provides the educational basis for music therapy.  It is a specialized field, working with psychiatrists, doctors, and other therapy's. 

I have found the magical powers of music and have shared it with many people.  The people that I have worked with have felt and seen the magical powers of this modality.  I would like to share my stories, love and creativity about music therapy to those living on Cape Cod.  I have experienced many amazing things through my work.  There have been Alzheimer's residents who were unable to speak, with the use of music therapy people have been able to speak again.  Through my practice I have seen seizure patient decrease how many times they would have a seizure in a month, from appropriate music listening.  Dealing with MS patients, Music Therapy has helped with the emotional rollar coaster those suffering with MS go through.  I have even been the last voice one has heard in their passing.  There was one women who passed away on my shoulder when I was singing to her.  It was one of the most touching moments I have ever had in music therapy.  One of the goals that I like the most, is increasing quality of life for those in their final stages.  Through the wonderful personal experience I have had, I have a firm foundation to say, "Music is the treatment of choice for those suffering from Alzheimer's and Dementia."  When a person smiles, with a genuine look of happiness in their eyes in the moment of music, the feelings are overwhelming and unexplainable.


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