" Alzheimer's Disease"

Alzheimer’s Disease so real, so true,

But why my dear did it happen to you

I see you there deep down inside,

I know sometimes you want to hide.

To hide far away from this feeling,

Of forgetting, wondering, and what you’re seeing.

Life just doesn’t seem real,

I know this is how you must feel.

But, always remember we love you still

The feelings of love and all the goodwill.

The things you still want to share,

And the feelings that you still do care.

It’s in your eyes and in your heart,

The disease has tried to pull you apart.

Apart from someone you once were,

But you are strong you will soar,

Across this scary unmarked place,

It’s like living without a trace.

A trace of heaven that you once had

When your spirit was so glad.

Just know that special people can see,

Through those shattered hopes and dreams.

The dreams that seemed so long ago,

All you must need to know,

Is that I see you, like you were,

As happy and loving as you were.

You’re still there deep down inside,

Alzheimer’s is just a mask, a place to hide.

The brain doesn’t work like it used to,

But, those who are special can still say I love you.


Written by Brianna LePage, 2008



“Musician’s of Old”

A husband and wife, “Musicians of Old”

There stories are special, will always be told.

They traveled, they frolicked and played in the sun.

Remember those days, the days of fun.

The memories will live on in their hearts,

These memories and stories will never part.

Now you can see them in your dreams.

For 64 years you were a strong team.

But, through these people, musicians of old,

I met someone, with a heart of gold.

A daughter of this husband and wife.

I’m happy you brought her into my life.

A friendship blossomed, just like a flower,

It seemed to get stronger in the final hour.

We’ve been through a lot it seems.

But now we can keep it locked in our dreams.

Now I see how special she is,

She’s always there and willing to give.

To give to those that she does love,

It’s pure and sweet just like a dove.

Her heart is special and dedicated too.

All I can say is a big Thank You.

Thank you to John and Jean, “It’s True!”

I could have never met her without you.

I hope that our friendship lasts forever,

It will always be something to treasure.

Now our story will develop to be told

Just like the story of the “Musicians of Old”

Written by Brianna LePage

May 2009

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